The BET 011 trainer has been designed to study and compare different models of heat exchangers. The complete experimental device consists of two main elements: the BET 011 as a supply unit and a heat exchanger (chosen from different references). The heat exchanger to be studied will be connected to the power supply unit.
Water is used as medium. Hot water passes through the heat exchanger, transferring some energy to the cold water through the exchanger. The flow direction can be reversed by plugging / unplugging the water fittings, which allows the operation with co-current or counter-current flow.
The main function of BET 011 is the supply of the cold water and hot water required. The power supply unit is equipped with a heated tank and a pump for the hot water circuit, with fittings for the cold water circuit and a control cabinet with elements of display and of control. The flow rate of the hot water circuit or a cold water circuit is adjusted by valves. The cold water circuit comes from the network. The measured values are displayed on a touch screen .
The robust design of this equipment makes it suitable for use in schools.
Its anodized aluminum structure gives it a very robust as well as a high flexibility of integration into your premises.
The manufacturing of this equipment meets European machine directive