1. A wind module comprising a variable speed motor (B) with potentiometer control and a Silentwind (A) wind turbine (24VDC-400W).
The motor and wind turbine are coupled directly to simulate rotation. The support chassis is equipped with 4 directional castors with brake.
2. An energy production and storage module (C) divided into three parts comprising:
-a fast connector type Harting for the electrical connection between the wind turbine and this module
-Two batteries to store energy (24VDC/55Ah) with protective trays
-a connected charge controller
-an inverter (24VDC/240VAC-5 00W)
-a 500W convector for the dissipation of the energy produced
-measuring points by double well socket and current measuring wire.
-a fast connector type Harting for the electrical connection between the panel and this module
-a 2.4KWH lithium battery
-a 5KW connected hybrid inverter
-two boxes of specific electrical protection
-measuring points by double well socket and current measuring wire.
-a fast connector type Harting for the electrical connection between the panel and this module
-two micro-inverters
-a connected communication gateway
-a specific electrical protection box
-measuring points by double well socket and current measuring wire.
3. A solar panel module comprising (D):
-2 Monocrystalline photovoltaic solar panels (power: 375 W each)
4. A solar panel module comprising (E):
-2 Monocrystalline photovoltaic solar panels (power: 430 W each)
5. The bench is supplied with the following instrumentation:
-a portable multimeter with AC/DC clamp to measure the voltages and currents at the terminals of the different elements
-a portable solarimeter
6. Structure
The system is installed on an anodized aluminum profile chassis equipped with four brake directional castors