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PTR 010


Teaching suggested applications*

-          Identification of the components of a cooling tower

-          Commissioning and readings of measurements (T °, RH, flow, etc.)

-          Study of heat exchange between water and air

-          Thermal-efficiency balances

-          Comparison of two types of packing

-          Monitoring of the evolution of the air on a psychrometric diagram


The PTR010 trainer allows the study of psychrometric phenomena that allow the processes of humidification and dehumidification, a process which occupies an important place in applications relating to the treatment of air in common use as in industry for example. It also allows the study of a particular application which consists of cooling hot water with air.

Also, to meet these didactic requirements, we chose the forced refrigeration solution, which perfectly shows the process to be studied and which also allows simple and explicit experiments to be carried out. Users will be able to perform simple experiments and thus, assimilate the key concepts of the control principles necessary for the operation of the cooling tower and the installation procedure.

The robust design of this device makes it suitable for use in schools.

Anodized aluminum structure gives it a very robust as well as a flexible integration into your premises.

The manufacturing of this equipment meets European Machine Directive.

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*Teaching suggested applications

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