1. Agitator
- Composed of a variable speed geared motor unit
2. Extraction leg
- Material: borosilicate glass
- Allows the interface level control
3. Extraction column
- Material: borosilicate glass
- DN : 50 mm
- Height: 2000 mm with 25 stages
4. Digital flowmeters
- Scale: 0-25 L/min
5. Sample taking valve
- Extract and raffinate
6. Two supply bins
- Material: polyethylene
- Volume : 35 L
7. Electrical box
8. Two recovery bins
- Material: polyethylene
- Volume : 35 L
9. Glass decanter
- Volume : 3 L
Two gear pumps
- With controllable variable speed drives
Temperature probes Pt100
T1 : Base
T2 : 1/3 lower of the column
T3 : 1/3 higher of the column
T4 : Column head
T5 : Supply of the mixture
T6 : Solvent supply
System of acquisition and computerized control
Control software and data acquisition