1. Supply tank
- Material: polyethylene
- Volume: 10 L
- Drain valve
2. Supply dosing pump
- Qmax= 12 L/h
- Pmax = 2 bar
3. Boiler
- Material: borosilicate glass
- DN 100 mm
- Length: 300 mm
- Volume: 2 L
- Heating cartridges P = 1.2 kW
- Temperature probe Pt 100
- Drain valve
- Level sensor for cutting heat
4. Distillation column
- Material: borosilicate glass
- DN 50 mm
- Length: 500 mm
- Filling: Raschig rings glass
5. Manual reflux head
- DN 50 mm
- Length: 150 mm
- Temperature probe Pt 100
- Manual needle valve
6. Condenser
- Material: borosilicate glass
- DN 50 mm
- Length: 300 mm
- Cooling coil in stainless steel: S = 0.05 m²
- Temperature probes Pt 100 at the inlet and outlet of the cooling coil
7. Distillate cooling exchanger
- Material: borosilicate glass
- Double wrapped mono tube exchanger
8. Receiver
- Material: polyethylene
- Volume 5 L
- Drain valve